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SearchUpdated 13 days ago

There are two ways you can search in Gorgias - the ticket search and the customer search - and both are present in different tabs of the Search section in the left sidebar.

30 tickets and customers you recently accessed will appear as Recently accessed when you open the global search, so you can quickly come back to a ticket or customer details page you viewed recently.

Search by customer integration data (like Order ID) only applies to Shopify and Magento for now.

If you didn't find what you were looking for or need to filter the results, you can use the Advanced Search from the bottom of the Search window.

You can also navigate the results with your keyboard:

  • ↑↓ - go up or down through the results.
  • - Enter/return to open the result in the current tab.
  • Ctrl/CMD + - Ctrl (Windows)/Cmd (MacOS) button + the Enter/return button to open the result in a new tab.

The search ranks tickets based on their relevance: if we detect that you've entered a full email address, we look into the subject of the ticket, message contents, and To and From fields of messages for the exact email address - recently created tickets receive a relevance boost.

If the keyword(s) typed in the search bar are found in multiple fields of a given ticket (ex: in the subject and the text of the messages), this ticket’s relevance will be higher as some fields have a higher influence on the relevance of the ticket, like the subject of the ticket.

The search function can't read the right-side ticket sidebar.

In addition to being part of the Search tab, the customer search is available on each ticket as well - in the right sidebar, above the ticket's current customer.

We're searching across multiple fields and different channels for a customer: name, surname, email, phone number, etc.

The results are sorted by relevancy - if the search finds the input in multiple attributes of the customer, the relevancy of that customer increases.

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