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WhatsApp Template Quality RatingUpdated 10 months ago

WhatsApp is implementing strict quality monitoring of WhatsApp templates - the quality score now includes read rates as the key factor, in addition to traditional metrics like blocks and reports. This process aims to improve engagement, and ultimately better return-on-investment for businesses. 

The evaluation and any subsequent action that comes out of it is done solely by WhatsApp (Meta), but it affects all WhatsApp users, no matter which platform they use to send their WhatsApp messages. 

There's no specific threshold of what the read rate should be, but based on data provided by Meta, most businesses with strong customer engagement maintain read rates of 65-80%.

If the message template reaches the lowest quality rating (a status of Active - Low quality), it'll automatically be paused. There will be an error message noting that and giving you a chance to review and modify it. 

  • The first time the template gets paused, it will be for 3 hours
  • In the second instance of low-rating, the pause will last 6 hours
  • Third low-quality evaluation permanently disables the template

Paused templates will unpause automatically after the period expires, but there's also a possibility to unpause them manually by using the unpause button in WhatsApp Business Manager. However, we don't advise unpausing the template without significant modification, due to the risk of a permanent template ban in case of repeated low ratings.


You can track your message read rates in WhatsApp Business Manager.

1. Go to Meta Business Manager and select your business

2. Click on the cog wheel in the left sidebar and choose WhatsApp Manager

3. From Overview, hover over the Account tools suitcase icon and select Message templates

Select any message template, then click the template Insights tab to see additional metrics, like button clicks.

Templates can have the following statuses:

  • In-Review - Indicates that the template is still under review (can take up to 24h).
  • Rejected - The template has been rejected during our review process or violates one or more of our policies. 
  • Active - Quality pending - The message template has yet to receive quality feedback or read-rate information from customers (message templates with this status can be sent to customers). 
  • Active - High Quality - The template has received little to no negative customer feedback (message templates with this status can be sent to customers). 
  • Active - Medium Quality - The template has received negative feedback from multiple customers, or low read rates, but may soon become paused or disabled (message templates with this status can be sent to customers).
  • Active - Low Quality - The template has received negative feedback from multiple customers, or low read rates (message templates with this status can be sent to customers, but are in danger of being paused or disabled soon, so we recommend you address the issues that customers are reporting).
  • Paused - The template has been paused due to recurring negative feedback from customers, or low read-rates (message templates with this status can't be sent to customers).
  • Disabled - The template has been disabled due to recurring negative feedback from customers (message templates with this status can't be sent to customers).
  • Appeal Requested - Indicates that an appeal has been requested.


You can view several important metrics in WhatsApp Manager for each message template. The metrics for WhatsApp Business message templates listed above are only available to view in the aggregate and when counts are greater than 1,000. Templates created in multiple languages will be displayed in distinct rows using the same template name and have distinct data on messages sent. 

Messages sent is the number of messages your business sent and that were delivered to customers on WhatsApp. 

Messages opened is the number of messages your business sent to customers on WhatsApp that were opened. Some opened messages may not be included, as in the case where customers have turned off read receipts. The number of messages opened may continue to increase depending on when customers open the message. 

Top block reason is the most frequent reason customers reported having when they blocked your WhatsApp phone number after receiving your template. The reasons include:

  • Spam - if they received too many messages in a short period of time
  • Didn't sign up - if the customer didn't opt-in to receive your messages
  • No longer needed - if they don't require your products or services anymore
  • Offensive messages - if they found the content or the wording inappropriate
  • Unknown - customers may choose Other as a reason for blocking your number
  • No reason given - customers are not obligated to provide a reason

Tips to improve template quality

Here are some strategies recommended by Meta to improve your message read rates: 

  • Know your audience - Tailor your messages to specific user segments for more relevant communication. 
  • Find good timing - To maximize chances of engagement with your templates, consider not sending on days when many businesses are competing for your customers’ attention, such as weekends or seasonal peaks.
  • Mind the frequency of messages - Monitor how many marketing conversations a customer receives per day and week to avoid overloading the customer.
  • Allow cool downs - Give customers who have stopped engaging with your templates a break. Always include the option to opt out of marketing conversations on WhatsApp.
  • Provide Opt-in - Opt-in before any business-initiated messaging is required, but additional opt-in for marketing content is a recommended best practice to avoid negative feedback.
  • Enable Opt-out - Always include the option to opt out of marketing conversations on WhatsApp.
  • Pay attention to the relevance of the message - Make sure the subject line or preview text clearly indicates the message's relevance. Similarly, if previous interactions have been negative, this may discourage people from reading messages.
  • Optimize the first 60-65 characters - This is what people see first in their message preview on WhatsApp. Make it engaging, convey the main point, personalize it, and test different approaches to see what works best.
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