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BigCommerce VariablesUpdated 6 months ago

You can auto-populate BigCommerce data within a Macro by adding variables to it so you don't have to search for customer or order data and copy it manually into your message.


Customer name{{ticket.customer.integrations.bigcommerce.customer.first_name}}
Customer email{{ticket.customer.integrations.bigcommerce.customer.email}}
Customer phone number{{ticket.customer.integrations.bigcommerce.customer.phone}}
Customer default address{{ticket.customer.integrations.bigcommerce.customer.addresses[0].address1}}
Last order ID{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.orders[0].id}}
Customer order message{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.orders[0].message}}
Items in last order{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.orders[0].bc_products[0].name}}
Total number of items in last order{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.orders[0].items_total}}
Staff notes on last order{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.orders[0].staff_notes}}
URL of last order draft{{ticket.customer.integrations.bigcommerce.draft_orders[0].draft_order_url}}
Items in last order draft{{ticket.customer.bigcommerce.draft_orders[0].bc_products[0].name}}


1. Go to Settings -> Productivity -> Macros

2. Click on Create macro in the top right. 

3. Write your text and choose a variable from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the reply box, labeled BigCommerce

If you need to pre-populate data that's not one of our default variables, you can manually add yours as shown in our video at the top of the page.
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