Account setup
Learn how to set up crucial features and get your account ready to provide exceptional support.
Business hours
The Business hours setting allows you to set the days and times in which you have support representatives available to help your customers. It's being used in Rules and will determine whether your Chat widget will show as online or offline on your we
Gorgias mobile app
Gorgias is available for both iOS and Android devices with push notifications and a UI similar to the desktop version. The supported push notifications are:. You can enable the notifications you need by tapping on the gear icon next to your name - it
Languages Gorgias can detect
Gorgias can currently detect up to 54 languages in your support tickets (tickets won't automatically be translated into English). You can use languages in View filters - for example, you can create a view to show Spanish tickets only - or in Rules -
Accessing Incognito Mode
Commonly, some issues that you encounter with Gorgias are caused by your browser. For example, when reactivating an email integration, sometimes your access token will need to be refreshed, and accessing Gorgias from Incognito can help achieve that.
SLA Policies
Service Level Agreement (SLA) consists of pre-defined rules and conditions designed to ensure timely and efficient customer support within specific time frames. These policies help with managing and measuring Support Team's performance. In your Gorgi
SLA Best Practices
SLA (Service Level Agreement) is a formalized internal policy/agreement that outlines the expected level of service provided to customers. It specifies the performance standards and service commitments that the teams must meet. These agreements are c