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Contact Reason AI-Powered SuggestionsUpdated 9 months ago

If you're using Contact Reason as a managed Ticket Field, we'll pre-fill the field for you based on gathered AI learnings.

Contact Reason is a custom field designed for e-commerce purposes - it allows customers to specify the reason for their contact, such as order inquiries or refund requests. 

When a customer contacts you, our system automatically analyzes the message content and suggests a contact reason based on its prediction model. You will recognize that the suggestion is auto-filled because it will have stars next to it.

You can accept the suggestion or make adjustments as necessary. Over time, as your team interacts with the predictions, the system learns from these interactions, becoming increasingly accurate and tailored to your business.

If you don’t initially see any predicted contact reasons, it may indicate a lack of labeled tickets in your system. Our AI relies on historical data for accurate predictions, so having enough labeled tickets will optimize its performance.

Get the best results with Contact Reason

You should be able to deduce the Contact Reason from the customer’s message

Contact Reason isn't the same as the root issue or the solution to the issue - Delayed Shipment is a good Contact Reason because the customer can see the order is delayed. 

Warehouse Problem isn't a good Contact Reason because the customer didn't know that warehouse problems caused the shipment delay.

Contact Reasons shouldn't overlap

You shouldn't have situations where an agent can select more than one Contact Reason - you shouldn't have a partial refund and order amendment because a partial refund is a type of amendment.

Contact Reasons should cover as much ground as possible

As best as you can, try and cover every unique Contact Reason in a given category - if you make a Contact Reasons category for subscriptions, consider all unique situations that can cause a customer to reach out (cancel subscription, pause subscription, skip subscription, edit subscription contents, etc.). 

If you feel overwhelmed by these rules, you can use default Contact reasons.
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