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Edit a customerUpdated a year ago

A customer's profile can be edited from either the customer settings page or from a ticket directly.

Updating customer information (other than removing a phone number or email address) in their Shopify profile will sync with Gorgias, but the sync works only one way - if you make changes in their Gorgias profile, it won't be reflected in Shopify.


Edit a customer via the customer settings page

1. Click on Search in the top left sidebar.

2. Go to the Customers tab. 

3. Search for the customer profile and click on it. 

4. Click on Edit Customer in the top right.

5. Make the edits that you'd like in their name, note, email, or phone number.

6. Click on Update Customer.

Edit a customer directly from a ticket

1. Open a ticket you have with the customer in question.

2. Click on their name in the customer sidebar to the right.

3. Click on Edit Customer in the top right.

4. Make the edits that you'd like in their name, note, email, or phone number.

5. Click on Update Customer.

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