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Organize and rename a sectionUpdated a year ago

Sections can be renamed, an emoji added to them or changed, and they can be reordered to organize your workspace.


You can simply reorganize the list of sections by dragging and dropping them - a slight blue line will appear to display the target location of where the section will be dropped.

Private Views and View sections can't be dragged into the Shared View area, and vice versa, but they can both be shuffled around within their respective categories.

You can collapse and expand sections by clicking on the little arrow next to the section. 

While changes in the order of Views and View sections are visible to all, only the current user sees which section is expanded or collapsed.

Rename a section

1. Hover over the View section you'd like to edit and click on the ... icon.

2. Click on Rename.

3. Change the section's name and/or emoji and click on the Update button.

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