Refund an orderUpdated 10 months ago
When performing a BigCommerce refund in Gorgias, you can select the new status that will be assigned to the order once the refund is performed.
When applying an order-level refund you can:
- Specify a custom amount that you want to refund.
- Choose your preferred refund method.
- Add a note to document the reason for the refund.
All refunds will be displayed in the widget section. When performing a refund in Gorgias, you can select the new status that'll be assigned to the order once the refund is done.
Refund the full order
1. Open or navigate to a ticket of the relevant customer with a BigCommerce profile.
2. In the BigCommerce widget, click Refund order.3. Enter order details.
4. Select Entire order.5. Select a refund method.
6. Enter a reason for the refund.
7. Select New status.8. Click Refund $XY.

Refund part of an order
1. Open or navigate to a ticket of the relevant customer with a BigCommerce profile.
2. In the BigCommerce widget, click Refund order.3. Select Manual amount.
4. Enter an amount to be refunded.
5. Select a refund method.
6. Enter a reason for the refund.
7. Select New status.
8. Click Refund $XY.
If successful, the order status will be reflected in the BigCommerce widget and an event will be added to the message thread in the Ticket.