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Refund an orderUpdated 10 months ago

When performing a BigCommerce refund in Gorgias, you can select the new status that will be assigned to the order once the refund is performed.

When applying an order-level refund you can:

  • Specify a custom amount that you want to refund.
  • Choose your preferred refund method.
  • Add a note to document the reason for the refund.

All refunds will be displayed in the widget section. When performing a refund in Gorgias, you can select the new status that'll be assigned to the order once the refund is done.


Refund the full order

1. Open or navigate to a ticket of the relevant customer with a BigCommerce profile.

2. In the BigCommerce widget, click Refund order.3. Enter order details.

4. Select Entire order.
5. Select a refund method.6. Enter a reason for the refund.

7. Select New status.8. Click Refund $XY.

If successful, the order status will be reflected in the BigCommerce widget and an event will be added to the message thread in the Ticket.

Refund part of an order

1. Open or navigate to a ticket of the relevant customer with a BigCommerce profile.

2. In the BigCommerce widget, click Refund order.3. Select Manual amount.
4. Enter an amount to be refunded.5. Select a refund method.6. Enter a reason for the refund.7. Select New status.8. Click Refund $XY.

If successful, the order status will be reflected in the BigCommerce widget and an event will be added to the message thread in the Ticket.

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