SMS PolicyUpdated a year ago
Gorgias doesn't own phone numbers - this service is provided by Twilio as a 3rd-party service provider - so the content needs to be per the Twilio Terms of Service and Twilio’s Acceptable Use Policy which includes the Twilio Messaging Policy and Content Policy.
The following categories are banned:
- High-risk financial services
- 3rd-party lead generation services
- Debt collection or forgiveness
- "Get rich quick" Schemes
- Federally illegal substances (including Cannabis and CBD)
- Gambling
- "S.H.A.F.T" Use Cases (Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco)
Any violation of these policies will result in deactivating the SMS/Voice service.
Sending from non-US SMS-enabled numbers isn't supported when reaching +1 destinations (US and Canada), so you'll have to use other +1 SMS-enabled Twilio numbers when communicating in these regions.
What this means is that, if you have an international (non-US) SMS number in Gorgias, and receive an SMS from a US number, you wouldn't be able to respond to that SMS.