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Your profileUpdated 10 months ago

Each Gorgias user has a section specific to them titled Your profile - you can access it by clicking on your name in the bottom left and choosing Your profile or navigating to Settings -> You -> Your profile.

Profile information and settings

Personal information

Your nameYour full name - it can be used as a variable, in Chat, in statistics, and the helpdesk in general.
Your emailYour email address and the email you use to log in as a user - it can be used as a variable, in Chat, statistics, and the helpdesk in general.
Your bioYour bio or role in the helpdesk - it can be used as a variable.
Profile pictureYou can upload a 500 KB square picture as your profile picture here.
TimezoneYour timezone - it controls the timezone and time/date format for you as a user and determines which timezone you see statistics in.
Date formatYou can choose between the MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY date formats and the 24-hour or 12-hour (AM/PM) time format.
ThemeYou can choose between the System, Dark, Light, and Classic helpdesk themes here or by clicking on your name in the bottom left and then on Theme.

Macro display

AI Macro prediction
This can help pre-fill the typing field with a relevant Macro when the system predicts you'll use a certain type of Macro on a ticket you're replying to.
AI Macro suggestions
This will display the top 3 suggested Macros for a specific ticket you're replying to based on our own machine learning-powered recommendation engine.
Display macro search view by default
This will automatically open up the Macros panel every time you open a ticket.

Forward calls to an external number

Enable call forwardingThis will forward calls routed to you in the helpdesk to an external phone number.
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