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SkioUpdated 19 days ago

This integration was built by our partners and the wait time in case of any technical issues might be a bit longer than for a regular support request.

With Skio you can easily migrate, increase conversions, and reduce customer tickets by 60% with passwordless login. 

It has a ready-to-go headless subscription portal (uses React/Next.js), and you can edit subscriptions 10x faster (intuitive, instant loading pages), and get free customers by giving group subscription discounts.

Each Skio account can sync up with only one instance of Gorgias - multiple Skio connections aren't possible.

There has been a recent update to the integration, and it now includes Gorgias actions from the widget. More details here!


1. Log in to both Skio and Gorgias.

2. Use this link to simulate clicking the Install button in the app store: https://api.skio.com/dashboard-http/gorgias/auth/login?account=[gorgiasAccountName] Make sure to replace [gorgiasAccountName] with your Gorgias subdomain.

3. After approving the OAuth2 installation flow you should be redirected inside Skio with a confirmation message.

The Skio integration will automatically appear in Gorgias, under Settings -> App Store -> HTTP Integration, and new tickets from customers with Skio information should show the Skio widget.

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