Adjust Chat default text valuesUpdated 9 months ago
If you want to display the current text values, run the following in the console:
It's possible to adjust the hardcoded text values used by the Chat both in the UI itself (under Settings -> Chat -> your Chat integration -> Language -> Customize) and custom code (in case it's not listed in the UI).
Update the values in the dictionary containing the texts and insert the script in the HTML.
1<script>2var initGorgiasChatPromise = (window.GorgiasChat) ? window.GorgiasChat.init() : new Promise(function (resolve) { window.addEventListener('gorgias-widget-loaded', function () { resolve();})});34initGorgiasChatPromise.then(function() {5 var chatDict = {6 "actionPostbackError": "An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.",7 "addToCartButtonLabel": "Add to cart",8 "addedButtonLabel": "Added",9 "addingToCartButtonLabel": "Adding to cart",10 "agent": "Agent",11 "automated": "Automated",12 "backLabelBackAt": "Back online at {time}",13 "backLabelBackInAMinute": "Back in 1 minute",14 "backLabelBackInAnHour": "Back in 1 hour",15 "backLabelBackInDays": "Back in {value} days",16 "backLabelBackInHours": "Back in {value} hours",17 "backLabelBackInMinutes": "Back in {value} minutes",18 "backLabelBackOn": "Back on {weekday}",19 "backLabelBackTomorrow": "Back soon",20 "bot": "Bot",21 "campaignClickToReply": "Click to reply",22 "cannotUploadMoreFiles": "Cannot upload more than {maxFilesPerUpload} files at the same time.",23 "characters": "characters",24 "chatWithUs": "Chat with us",25 "clickToRetry": "Click to retry.",26 "close": "Close",27 "contactFormAskAdditionalMessage": "Would you like to add any more information?",28 "contactFormAskEmail": "How can we contact you?",29 "contactFormAskMessage": "Do you have any additional details to share to help us assist you?",30 "contactFormAskSubject": "What can we help you with?",31 "contactFormAskSubjectOther": "Please type the subject:",32 "contactFormEndingMessage": "Thanks for your message, we will email you soon.",33 "contactFormEndingMessageWithHelpCenter": "Thanks for your message, we will email you soon. In the meantime, visit our Help Center!",34 "contactFormIntro": "Leave a message and we will email you once we are online.",35 "contactFormIntroWithEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! Leave us your email, and we will get back to you as soon as we are available.",36 "contactFormSSPUnsuccessfulAskAdditionalMessage": "Thanks for reaching out. Leave a message and we will email you once we are online.",37 "conversationTimestampHeaderFormat": "MMMM D",38 "emailCaptureInputLabel": "Leave us your email",39 "emailCaptureOfflineThanksText": "Thanks {email}! We will get back to you shortly.",40 "emailCaptureOfflineTriggerText": "We are away, leave us your email and we will respond shortly.",41 "emailCaptureOnlineThanksText": "Thanks! We will email you at {email} if you leave.",42 "emailCaptureOnlineTriggerText": "Leave us your email and we will reply soon.",43 "emailCaptureOnlineTriggerTextShortly": "Leave us your email and we will get back to you shortly.",44 "emailCapturePlaceholder": "[email protected]",45 "emailCaptureRequiredEmailPlaceholder": "Leave your email",46 "emailCaptureRequiredMessagePlaceholder": "Write your message",47 "emailCaptureThanksText": "Thanks for reaching out! You will get replies here and in your email.",48 "emailCaptureTriggerBackOnlineAt": "We will be back online at {time}",49 "emailCaptureTriggerBackOnlineOn": "We will be back online on {weekday}",50 "emailCaptureTriggerTextBase": "Leave us your email and we will get back to you.",51 "emailCaptureTriggerTypicalReplyHours": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you in a few hours.",52 "emailCaptureTriggerTypicalReplyMinutes": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you in a few minutes.",53 "fetchHistory": "Load more",54 "fetchingHistory": "Retrieving history...",55 "fileTooBig": "File should be smaller than {maxFileSize} MB",56 "genericErrorButtonLabel": "Something went wrong",57 "getRepliesByEmail": "Get replies by email",58 "headerText": "Gorgias Team",59 "howCanWeHelpToday": "How can we help you today?",60 "inputPlaceholder": "Type a message...",61 "introductionText": "How can we help?",62 "invalidFileError": "Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).",63 "leaveAMessage": "Leave a message",64 "leaveAnotherMessage": "Leave Another Message",65 "messageDelivered": "Delivered",66 "messageError": "An error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.",67 "messageIndicatorTitlePlural": "({count}) New messages",68 "messageIndicatorTitleSingular": "({count}) New message",69 "messageNotDelivered": "Message not delivered.",70 "messageRelativeTimeDay": "{value}d ago",71 "messageRelativeTimeHour": "{value}h ago",72 "messageRelativeTimeJustNow": "Just now",73 "messageRelativeTimeMinute": "{value}m ago",74 "messageSending": "Sending...",75 "messageTimestampFormat": "h:mm A",76 "noAttachmentToSend": "No attachment to send",77 "offlineIntroductionText": "We will be back soon",78 "outOfStockButtonLabel": "Already out of stock",79 "poweredBy": "Powered by",80 "poweredByGorgias": "Powered by Gorgias",81 "privacyPolicyDisclaimer": "By using this chat, you consent to our Privacy Policy.",82 "productInformation": "Product information",83 "productQuestionShort": "Product Question",84 "requireEmailCaptureIntro": "Welcome! Please enter your email to connect with our team.",85 "seePreviousMessage": "See previous message",86 "send": "Send",87 "shopClosed": "{shopName} is now closed. Our team might not be available.",88 "shopClosingInAMinute": "{shopName} is closing in 1 minute.",89 "shopClosingInLessThanAMinute": "{shopName} is closing in less than 1 minute.",90 "shopClosingSoon": "{shopName} is closing in {minutes} minutes.",91 "showDetailsButtonLabel": "Show details",92 "subject": "Subject",93 "tapToRetry": "Message not delivered. Tap to retry.",94 "thanksForReachingOut": "Thanks for reaching out!",95 "thatsAll": "That's all",96 "unsupportedActionType": "Unsupported action type.",97 "usualReplyTimeDay": "Typically replies within a day",98 "usualReplyTimeHours": "Typically replies in a few hours",99 "usualReplyTimeMinutes": "Typically replies in a few minutes",100 "waitForAnAgent": "Wait for live chat",101 "waitTimeAgentsAreBusy": "Thanks for reaching out! Your wait time is greater than 15 minutes.",102 "waitTimeAgentsAreBusySorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. Your wait time is greater than 15 minutes.",103 "waitTimeLongEmailCaptured": "Thank you for your patience. We will be with you as soon as our team is available.",104 "waitTimeLongHeader": "Wait time is longer than usual",105 "waitTimeLongNoEmail": "Thank you for your patience. We will be with you as soon as our team is available.",106 "waitTimeMediumEmailCaptured": "Thanks for reaching out! We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",107 "waitTimeMediumHeader": "We will reply in a few moments",108 "waitTimeMediumNoEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",109 "waitTimeMediumSorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",110 "waitTimeShortEmailCaptured": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you soon.",111 "waitTimeShortHeader": "We will be right there!",112 "waitTimeShortNoEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you soon.",113 "waitTimeShortSorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. We will be with you soon."114}115116 window.GORGIAS_CHAT_TEXTS = chatDict117 GorgiasChat.updateTexts(chatDict)118})119</script>
If you've enabled Automate on Chat, you can use the following script that allows adjusting both the Chat and Automate wording:
1<script>2var initGorgiasChatPromise = (window.GorgiasChat) ? window.GorgiasChat.init() : new Promise(function (resolve) { window.addEventListener('gorgias-widget-loaded', function () { resolve();})});34initGorgiasChatPromise.then(function() {5 var chatDict = {6
1 "actionPostbackError": "An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.",2 "addToCartButtonLabel": "Add to cart",3 "addedButtonLabel": "Added",4 "addingToCartButtonLabel": "Adding to cart",5 "agent": "Agent",6 "automated": "Automated",7 "backLabelBackAt": "Back online at {time}",8 "backLabelBackInAMinute": "Back in 1 minute",9 "backLabelBackInAnHour": "Back in 1 hour",10 "backLabelBackInDays": "Back in {value} days",11 "backLabelBackInHours": "Back in {value} hours",12 "backLabelBackInMinutes": "Back in {value} minutes",13 "backLabelBackOn": "Back on {weekday}",14 "backLabelBackTomorrow": "Back soon",15 "bot": "Bot",16 "campaignClickToReply": "Click to reply",17 "cannotUploadMoreFiles": "Cannot upload more than {maxFilesPerUpload} files at the same time.",18 "characters": "characters",19 "chatWithUs": "Chat with us",20 "clickToRetry": "Click to retry.",21 "close": "Close",22 "contactFormAskAdditionalMessage": "Would you like to add any more information?",23 "contactFormAskEmail": "How can we contact you?",24 "contactFormAskMessage": "Do you have any additional details to share to help us assist you?",25 "contactFormAskSubject": "What can we help you with?",26 "contactFormAskSubjectOther": "Please type the subject:",27 "contactFormEndingMessage": "Thanks for your message, we will email you soon.",28 "contactFormEndingMessageWithHelpCenter": "Thanks for your message, we will email you soon. In the meantime, visit our Help Center!",29 "contactFormIntro": "Leave a message and we will email you once we are online.",30 "contactFormIntroWithEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! Leave us your email, and we will get back to you as soon as we are available.",31 "contactFormSSPUnsuccessfulAskAdditionalMessage": "Thanks for reaching out. Leave a message and we will email you once we are online.",32 "conversationTimestampHeaderFormat": "MMMM D",33 "emailCaptureInputLabel": "Leave us your email",34 "emailCaptureOfflineThanksText": "Thanks {email}! We will get back to you shortly.",35 "emailCaptureOfflineTriggerText": "We are away, leave us your email and we will respond shortly.",36 "emailCaptureOnlineThanksText": "Thanks! We will email you at {email} if you leave.",37 "emailCaptureOnlineTriggerText": "Leave us your email and we will reply soon.",38 "emailCaptureOnlineTriggerTextShortly": "Leave us your email and we will get back to you shortly.",39 "emailCapturePlaceholder": "[email protected]",40 "emailCaptureRequiredEmailPlaceholder": "Leave your email",41 "emailCaptureRequiredMessagePlaceholder": "Write your message",42 "emailCaptureThanksText": "Thanks for reaching out! You will get replies here and in your email.",43 "emailCaptureTriggerBackOnlineAt": "We will be back online at {time}",44 "emailCaptureTriggerBackOnlineOn": "We will be back online on {weekday}",45 "emailCaptureTriggerTextBase": "Leave us your email and we will get back to you.",46 "emailCaptureTriggerTypicalReplyHours": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you in a few hours.",47 "emailCaptureTriggerTypicalReplyMinutes": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you in a few minutes.",48 "fetchHistory": "Load more",49 "fetchingHistory": "Retrieving history...",50 "fileTooBig": "File should be smaller than {maxFileSize} MB",51 "genericErrorButtonLabel": "Something went wrong",52 "getRepliesByEmail": "Get replies by email",53 "headerText": "Gorgias Team",54 "howCanWeHelpToday": "How can we help you today?",55 "inputPlaceholder": "Type a message...",56 "introductionText": "How can we help?",57 "invalidFileError": "Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).",58 "leaveAMessage": "Leave a message",59 "leaveAnotherMessage": "Leave Another Message",60 "messageDelivered": "Delivered",61 "messageError": "An error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.",62 "messageIndicatorTitlePlural": "({count}) New messages",63 "messageIndicatorTitleSingular": "({count}) New message",64 "messageNotDelivered": "Message not delivered.",65 "messageRelativeTimeDay": "{value}d ago",66 "messageRelativeTimeHour": "{value}h ago",67 "messageRelativeTimeJustNow": "Just now",68 "messageRelativeTimeMinute": "{value}m ago",69 "messageSending": "Sending...",70 "messageTimestampFormat": "h:mm A",71 "noAttachmentToSend": "No attachment to send",72 "offlineIntroductionText": "We will be back soon",73 "outOfStockButtonLabel": "Already out of stock",74 "poweredBy": "Powered by",75 "poweredByGorgias": "Powered by Gorgias",76 "privacyPolicyDisclaimer": "By using this chat, you consent to our Privacy Policy.",77 "productInformation": "Product information",78 "productQuestionShort": "Product Question",79 "requireEmailCaptureIntro": "Welcome! Please enter your email to connect with our team.",80 "seePreviousMessage": "See previous message",81 "send": "Send",82 "shopClosed": "{shopName} is now closed. Our team might not be available.",83 "shopClosingInAMinute": "{shopName} is closing in 1 minute.",84 "shopClosingInLessThanAMinute": "{shopName} is closing in less than 1 minute.",85 "shopClosingSoon": "{shopName} is closing in {minutes} minutes.",86 "showDetailsButtonLabel": "Show details",87 "subject": "Subject",88 "tapToRetry": "Message not delivered. Tap to retry.",89 "thanksForReachingOut": "Thanks for reaching out!",90 "thatsAll": "That's all",91 "unsupportedActionType": "Unsupported action type.",92 "usualReplyTimeDay": "Typically replies within a day",93 "usualReplyTimeHours": "Typically replies in a few hours",94 "usualReplyTimeMinutes": "Typically replies in a few minutes",95 "waitForAnAgent": "Wait for live chat",96 "waitTimeAgentsAreBusy": "Thanks for reaching out! Your wait time is greater than 15 minutes.",97 "waitTimeAgentsAreBusySorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. Your wait time is greater than 15 minutes.",98 "waitTimeLongEmailCaptured": "Thank you for your patience. We will be with you as soon as our team is available.",99 "waitTimeLongHeader": "Wait time is longer than usual",100 "waitTimeLongNoEmail": "Thank you for your patience. We will be with you as soon as our team is available.",101 "waitTimeMediumEmailCaptured": "Thanks for reaching out! We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",102 "waitTimeMediumHeader": "We will reply in a few moments",103 "waitTimeMediumNoEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",104 "waitTimeMediumSorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. We will get back to you in about {waitTime} minutes.",105 "waitTimeShortEmailCaptured": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you soon.",106 "waitTimeShortHeader": "We will be right there!",107 "waitTimeShortNoEmail": "Thanks for reaching out! We will be with you soon.",108 "waitTimeShortSorryToHearThat": "Connecting you to our team. We will be with you soon."109 }110111 var sspDict = {112113 "applyPromoCode": "Apply promo code",114 "april": "Apr",115 "articleRecommendationInputPlaceholder": "Need more help? Ask us a question!",116 "articleThatMayHelp": "Here is an article that may help:",117 "attachUpToFiles": "Attach up to {number} files",118 "attemptedDelivery": "Attempted delivery",119 "august": "Aug",120 "backToHome": "Back To Home",121 "billingInformation": "Billing information",122 "cancel": "Cancel",123 "cancelFulfillment": "Cancel fulfillment",124 "cancelMessageDescription": "I'd like to cancel the following fulfillment",125 "cancelOrder": "Cancel an order",126 "cancelOrderShort": "Cancel Order",127 "canceled": "Canceled",128 "cancelled": "Cancelled",129 "cantSignIn": "Can't sign in?",130 "changeShippingAddress": "I'd like to change my shipping address",131 "checkSpamFolder": "If you can't find the verification email, please check your spam and junk folders.",132 "checkpointAttemptFail": "Failed attempt",133 "checkpointAvailableForPickup": "Available for pickup",134 "checkpointDelivered": "Delivered",135 "checkpointException": "Exception",136 "checkpointException_001": "Exception",137 "checkpointException_002": "Customer moved",138 "checkpointException_003": "Customer refused delivery",139 "checkpointException_004": "Delayed (Customs clearance)",140 "checkpointException_005": "Delayed (External factors)",141 "checkpointException_006": "Held for payment",142 "checkpointException_007": "Incorrect Address",143 "checkpointException_008": "Pick up missed",144 "checkpointException_009": "Rejected by carrier",145 "checkpointException_010": "Returning to sender",146 "checkpointException_011": "Returned to sender",147 "checkpointException_012": "Shipment damage",148 "checkpointException_013": "Shipment lost",149 "checkpointExpired": "Expired",150 "checkpointInTransit": "In transit",151 "checkpointInfoReceived": "Info received",152 "checkpointOrderPlaced": "Order placed",153 "checkpointOutForDelivery": "Out for delivery",154 "checkpointPending": "Pending",155 "codeExpiresIn": "Code expires in",156 "codeSentTo": "Code sent to",157 "codeWillExpire": "This code will expire in 10 minutes. If you didn't initiate this request, please let us know.",158 "completeReturnDeepLink": "Complete your return in our return portal",159 "confirmed": "Confirmed",160 "continue": "Continue",161 "createdAt": "Created at",162 "customerHasNoOrdersEmail": "No orders found for this email",163 "customerHasNoOrdersPhone": "No orders found for this phone number",164 "damagedInDelivery": "My order was damaged in delivery",165 "december": "Dec",166 "delivered": "Delivered",167 "deliveredAt": "at",168 "deliveredOn": "Delivered on",169 "deliveredVia": "Shipped via",170 "editOrder": "Edit order",171 "email": "Email",172 "errorFetchingOrders": "An error occurred while fetching your orders",173 "errorGeneratingReturnPortalLink": "An error occurred generating the return portal link",174 "errorSendingReportIssue": "Something went wrong while sending the report issue.",175 "estimatedDelivery": "Estimated delivery",176 "etaProvidedBy": "ETA provided by",177 "expectToBeDeliveredBy": "by",178 "failedDelivery": "Failed delivery",179 "failedFulfillment": "Failed fulfillment",180 "failure": "Failure",181 "february": "Feb",182 "fillYourEmailToTalkToAnAgent": "Leave us your email",183 "findOrder": "Find your order",184 "fulfillment": "Fulfillment",185 "fulfillmentDetails": "Fulfillment details",186 "goBack": "Go back",187 "goToReturnPortal": "Go to return portal",188 "happyToHelp": "Happy to help, have a great day!",189 "hi": "Hi,",190 "hiFirstname": "Hi {{firstName}},",191 "howCanIHelp": "How can we help?",192 "iHaveTheFollowingIssue": "I have the following Issue:",193 "iWouldLikeToCancelTheFollowingOrder": "I'd like to cancel the following order",194 "iWouldLikeToReturnTheFollowingItems": "I'd like to return the following items",195 "inTransit": "In transit",196 "inTransitVia": "In-transit via",197 "incorrectOrder": "I did not receive the correct order",198 "invalidCode": "Invalid code",199 "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",200 "itemNames": "Item names",201 "itemsRequestedForReturn": "Items requested for return",202 "january": "Jan",203 "july": "Jul",204 "june": "June",205 "labelPrinted": "Label printed",206 "labelPurchased": "Label purchased",207 "lastUpdated": "Last updated",208 "learnMore": "Learn more",209 "lostOrderDetails": "Lost your order details? Talk to someone",210 "manageMyOrders": "Manage my orders",211 "manageYourOrders": "Manage your orders",212 "march": "Mar",213 "maxVerificationAttemptsReached": "Maximum verification attempts reached",214 "may": "May",215 "needHelp": "Need more help?",216 "noCustomerAssociatedEmail": "No customer associated with this email",217 "noCustomerAssociatedPhone": "No customer associated with this phone number",218 "noINeedMoreHelp": "No, I need more help",219 "november": "Nov",220 "october": "Oct",221 "of": "of",222 "oneItemSelected": "1 item selected",223 "or": "or",224 "order": "Order",225 "orderCreated": "Order Created",226 "orderNumber": "Order number",227 "orderPlaced": "Order placed",228 "other": "Other",229 "outForDelivery": "Out for delivery",230 "outForDeliveryVia": "Out for delivery via",231 "partiallyRefunded": "Partially refunded",232 "pastDeliveryDate": "I'm past my expected delivery date",233 "payment": "Payment",234 "pendingDelivery": "Pending delivery",235 "pleaseRefreshPageToUseChat": "Please refresh your page to continue using the chat.",236 "pleaseUseVerificationCodeToLogIn": "Please use this verification code to complete your log-in:",237 "previousConversation": "Go to previous conversation",238 "processing": "Processing",239 "processingFulfillment": "Processing fulfillment",240 "provideEmailAndOrderNumber": "You must provide an email and an order number",241 "quantityToReturn": "Quantity to return",242 "quickAnswers": "Quick answers",243 "quickResponses": "Quick responses",244 "readyForPickup": "Ready for pickup",245 "reasonCancelOrder": "I'd like to cancel my order",246 "reasonCancelOrderDefaultResponse": "At this time we are unable to modify already placed orders.",247 "reasonCancelSubscription": "I'd like to cancel my subscription",248 "reasonCancelSubscriptionDefaultResponse": "Thanks for reaching out about your subscription. We will get back to you shortly with the next steps.",249 "reasonChangeDeliveryDate": "I'd like to change the delivery date",250 "reasonChangeDeliveryDateDefaultResponse": "At this time we are unable to modify already placed orders.",251 "reasonChangeShippingAddress": "I'd like to change my shipping address",252 "reasonChangeShippingAddressDefaultResponse": "At this time we are unable to modify already placed orders.",253 "reasonDidNotReceiveRefund": "I didn't get my refund",254 "reasonDidNotReceiveRefundDefaultResponse": "Please note a refund was issued back to the original method of payment. Please allow up to 5 business days for the refund to be reflected on your account.\r\\n\r\\nIf it's been more than 5 business days, let us know you need more help.",255 "reasonDiscountNotWorking": "My discount code is not working",256 "reasonDiscountNotWorkingDefaultResponse": "Thanks for reaching out. Someone will get back to you shortly to help you with your discount code.",257 "reasonEditOrder": "I'd like to edit my order",258 "reasonEditOrderDefaultResponse": "At this time we are unable to modify already placed orders.",259 "reasonEditSubscription": "I'd like to edit my subscription",260 "reasonEditSubscriptionDefaultResponse": "Thanks for reaching out about your subscription. We will get back to you shortly with the next steps.",261 "reasonExchangeRequest": "I'd like to exchange items in my order",262 "reasonForgotToUseDiscount": "I forgot to apply my discount code",263 "reasonForgotToUseDiscountDefaultResponse": "Please provide us with the discount code you forgot to apply so we can further check into this for you.",264 "reasonIncorrectItems": "The items are different from what I ordered",265 "reasonIncorrectItemsDefaultResponse": "We are very sorry to hear this. Please let us know exactly what item/color/size you actually received.",266 "reasonItemsMissing": "Some items are missing from my order",267 "reasonItemsMissingDefaultResponse": "We are very sorry to hear this. You can click on \"need more help\" to let us know exactly what items you didn't receive.",268 "reasonNotHappy": "I'm not happy with the product I received 👎",269 "reasonNotHappyDefaultResponse": "We are sorry to hear about that. Is there anything we can do to improve your experience with us?",270 "reasonOrderDamaged": "My order was damaged in delivery",271 "reasonOrderDamagedDefaultResponse": "We are very sorry to hear this. Please provide us with a few more details regarding the damage to the items and let us know if the shipping box was also damaged.",272 "reasonOrderDefective": "The items in my order are defective",273 "reasonOrderDefectiveDefaultResponse": "We are very sorry to hear this. Please provide us with a few more details regarding the defect you noticed.",274 "reasonOrderStillNotShipped": "My order should have shipped by now",275 "reasonOrderStillNotShippedDefaultResponse": "Due to nationwide shipping volume, you may experience a delay in receiving your order. Please allow another business day to receive a tracking number.",276 "reasonOrderStuckInTransit": "My order has been stuck in transit",277 "reasonOrderStuckInTransitDefaultResponse": "We are very sorry to hear this. Someone will get back to you shortly to help you solve this issue.",278 "reasonOther": "Other",279 "reasonOtherDefaultResponse": "How can we help you?",280 "reasonPastExpectedDeliveryDate": "I'm past my expected delivery date",281 "reasonPastExpectedDeliveryDateDefaultResponse": "Due to nationwide shipping volume, you may experience a delay in receiving your order. Please allow a few more business days for the order to reach you.",282 "reasonReorderItems": "I'd like to reorder some items",283 "reasonReorderItemsDefaultResponse": "Happy to help! What would you like to reorder?",284 "reasonReplaceItemsRequest": "I'd like to replace items in my order",285 "reasonRequestDiscount": "I'd like a discount code",286 "reasonRequestDiscountDefaultResponse": "Thanks for reaching out. We don't have any discount codes to share with you at the moment.",287 "reasonRequestRefund": "I'd like to get a refund for this order",288 "reasonRequestRefundDefaultResponse": "If your account was charged, a refund has been issued back to the original method of payment when the order was canceled. We would like to kindly ask you to allow up to 5 business days for the amount to reflect into your account.",289 "reasonReturnProduct": "I'd like to return a product",290 "reasonVeryHappy": "I'm very happy with the product I received 👍",291 "reasonVeryHappyDefaultResponse": "Thanks for the positive feedback! We would love to hear what you like most about our products.",292 "reasonWhereIsMyOrder": "Where is my order?",293 "refunded": "Refunded",294 "reportAnIssueWithOrder": "Report an issue",295 "reportIssue": "Report issue",296 "reportIssueShort": "Report Issue",297 "requestCancellation": "Request Cancellation",298 "requestReturn": "Request Return",299 "resendCode": "Resend code",300 "retry": "Retry",301 "return": "Return",302 "returnItems": "Return items",303 "returnOrder": "Return an order",304 "returnOrderShort": "Return Order",305 "see1MoreItem": "1 more item",306 "see1MoreOrder": "See 1 more order",307 "seeItems": "See Items",308 "seeMoreItems": "{moreItemsCount} more items",309 "seeMoreOrders": "See {nextPageOrderCount} more orders",310 "seeOrders": "See your orders",311 "selectAll": "Select all",312 "sendCode": "Send code",313 "sendUsAMessage": "Send us a message",314 "sent": "Sent",315 "september": "Sept",316 "severalItemsSelected": "{itemsSelectedCount} items selected",317 "shipment": "Shipment",318 "shipmentBeingDelivered": "Order shipment is being delivered to its final destination.",319 "shipping": "Shipping",320 "shippingAddress": "Shipping address",321 "shippingInformation": "Shipping information",322 "showLessItems": "Show less",323 "signIn": "Sign in",324 "signInDifferentAccount": "Sign in to a different account",325 "signInToAccessOrders": "To continue, please sign in to access your orders.",326 "signInWithOrderNumber": "Sign In With Order Number",327 "signedWith": "You are signed with",328 "sincerely": "Sincerely,",329 "sms": "SMS",330 "sorryToHearThatEmailNotRequired": "Connecting you to our team. We will be with you soon.",331 "sorryToHearThatEmailRequired": "Please enter your email to connect with our team.",332 "sorryToHearThatHandoverToLiveChatFewHours": "Connecting you to our team. We will be with you in a few hours.",333 "sorryToHearThatHandoverToLiveChatFewMinutes": "Connecting you to our team. We will be with you in a few minutes.",334 "startConversation": "Start conversation",335 "stuckInTransit": "My order has been stuck in transit for several days",336 "subtotal": "Subtotal (Inc. tax)",337 "summary": "Summary",338 "supportTeam": "The {{shopFriendlyName}} support team",339 "talkToLiveAgent": "talk to someone",340 "thanksOurTeamWillRespond": "Thanks, our team will respond shortly.",341 "total": "Total",342 "track": "Track",343 "trackAndManageMyOrders": "Track and manage my orders",344 "trackOrder": "Track an order",345 "trackOrderSentVia": "Sent via {trackingCompany}",346 "trackOrderShort": "Track Order",347 "tracking": "Tracking",348 "trackingNumber": "Tracking number",349 "trackingNumberPrefix": "Tracking no.",350 "trackingUrl": "Tracking Url",351 "trySigningInWithOrderNumber": "Try signing in with order number",352 "unavailable": "Unavailable",353 "unfulfilled": "Unfulfilled",354 "verificationCodeField": "6-digit code",355 "wasThisHelpful": "Was this helpful?",356 "wasThisRelevant": "Was this relevant?",357 "whatIsWrongWithOrder": "What is wrong with your order?",358 "yesCloseMyRequest": "Yes, close my request",359 "yesThankYou": "Yes, thank you",360 "youWillGetRepliesByEmail": "Thanks! You will get replies by email.",361 "youWillGetRepliesHereAndByEmail": "Thanks! You will get replies here and by email.",362 "yourEmail": "Your email",363 "yourOrders": "Your orders",364 "yourPhoneNumber": "Your phone number"365}366367 }368369 window.GORGIAS_CHAT_TEXTS = chatDict370 GorgiasChat.updateTexts(chatDict)371 GorgiasChat.updateSSPTexts(sspDict)372})373</script>
Instructions for Shopify
1. Go to your Shopify home screen.
2. Click on Online Store on the left.
3. Select Themes → Actions → Edit code.
4. Under Layout, choose theme.liquid.
5. Copy the code above.
6. Paste the code at the last line of the text code box.
7. Edit the text of the item that you want to change.
8. Click Save.