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Quick Responses

Quick Responses 101

Quick Responses allow you to create automated responses to customer questions, without engaging an agent. When they get a response, if the customer still requires help, a ticket is created for an agent to follow up.

Create a Quick Response

1. Go to Automate -> your store -> Quick Responses. 2. Click Add Quick Response in the bottom left. 3. Enter the Button text (the prompt your customers will see) and the Response text (the content of the reply. The reply can include rich text formatt

Quick Response templates

We've gathered the top Quick Responses that shoppers use the most across our entire customer base and below are several templates to get you started. These are:. Choose the relevant ones and replace the bolded text with details for your business. You

Statistics for Quick Responses

Customer interactions with Quick Responses are tracked and can be viewed in Statistics under Automate -> Overview -> Automated interactions by feature or Automate -> Performance by feature -> Quick Responses performance. By selecting Quick Responses