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Creating Flow variables using JSONPathUpdated 9 months ago

When using our HTTP request Flow step, you can create variables using the response you received from a third party to leverage it in subsequent steps (for example, get a customer's loyalty point balance).

You can create variables from your response by defining their JSONPath (JavaScript Object Notation).

Imagine you have a big box full of smaller boxes, each labeled with names like "Photos", "Letters", and "Receipts" - JSONPath is like a map that helps you find a specific small box or even a single item inside one of these boxes. 

In the digital world, JSONPath helps us find data inside a format called JSON, which is just a way to organize information in a neat, readable way.

JSON is a popular way to store and transport data, like a digital filing system. For example, think of a contact list on your phone. Here's how a simple contact might look in JSON:

2  "name": "Alice",
3  "phone": "123-456-7890"

JSONPath lets us pick out specific pieces of information from JSON data.


  • Start at the Root - In JSONPath, $ symbolizes the start of the data. Think of it as the outermost box.
  • Find Your Way - Use the names (keys) in the JSON to navigate. For example, to find Alice's phone number, you would use $.phone.


Accessing Data

To get Alice's name from our example, you use $.name. This is like saying, "In the big box, find the smaller box labeled 'name'."

Result: Alice

Accessing Nested Data

Imagine you have another box inside labeled address, and you want the city. Your JSON might look like this:

2  "name": "Alice",
3  "address": {
4    "city": "Wonderland"
5  }

To find the city, use $.address.city.

Result: Wonderland

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