HTML snippetsUpdated a year ago
HTML snippets can be used to add custom formatting to articles - outside of what's available in the editor - and are added to articles using the code view.
Toggle list
This is a toggle
This is text within a toggle
This is a toggle
This is text within a toggle
Callout - tip
<div class="tip-callout">
This is a tip callout
Callout - warning
<div class="warning-callout">
This is a warning callout
Alert - warning
<div class="alert alert-warning">
This is a warning alert
Alert - info
<div class="alert alert-info">
This is an info alert
Alert - danger
<div class="alert alert-danger">
This is a danger alert
Alert - success
<div class="alert alert-success">
This is a success alert
1. Switch to the code view using theicon at the bottom right of the toolbar.
2. Copy the snippet you'd like to apply.
3. Paste it into the article wherever you want it.
4. Switch back to the text view.
5. Edit the text further.
6. Click on Save & Publish.