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Help Center customization

Customize Help Center appearance

Under the Appearance tab, you can customize your branding, theme, layout, and banner. Additionally, we'll show you how you can tailor your categories. You can change and update these settings at any time, even after your Help Center is already publis

Customize Help Center preferences

In the Preferences tab, you can choose your Available languages and the Default language. If you've selected multiple languages, Gorgias will detect the language of your visitor's browser and try to match your Help Center with that. If your Help Cent

Customize the Help Center domain

A custom domain feature lets your Help Center URL match your brand instead of being the one we provide you by default - such as help.brand-name.com instead of brand-name.gorgias.help. 1. Go to Settings → Channels -> Help Center -> your Help Center ->

Advanced Help Center customization

You can customize your Help Center further using HTML code by going to Settings -> Channels -> Help Center -> Customization. You can customize the header and/or footer using your own by clicking the Use custom header/footer toggles. By doing so, you'

Common HTML customization examples

You can assign any font as long as you provide the stylesheet link. The example below helps to overwrite the primary font family:. The example below will customize the font for specific HTML elements:. The example below will customize the font for al

Customize embedded Help Centers

Embedding the Help Center will automatically give you a fixed width and background color which you can customize through these codes. Copy the following code in your Shopify theme.liquid file. Navigate to Settings -> Channels -> Help Center -> Custom

Cookie Management

We're only using one technical mandatory cookie with a lifespan of 30 minutes - __cf_bm - pushed by Cloudflare and used to protect your Help Center from bad bots. If you add some custom code, including a tool or a script into your Help Center, it mig

HTML snippets

HTML snippets can be used to add custom formatting to articles - outside of what's available in the editor - and are added to articles using the code view.

This is a toggleThis is text within a toggle