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Import Help Center from Zendesk, HelpDocs, Re:amaze, and IntercomUpdated 3 months ago

You can import your Help Center articles and categories from Zendesk, HelpDocs, Re:amaze, and Intercom into Gorgias. All articles and categories will be imported, but we won't import the appearance or any custom scripts you set up.

Gorgias has 3 states for articles or categories: Draft (not visible), Public (visible), and Unlisted (only visible via a direct link). All your published public articles and categories will be transferred as Public, private articles and categories as Unlisted, and draft articles and categories as a Draft. 

 If you'd like us to help you migrate from a different provider, please fill out this form:

Help Center Migration


1. Navigate to Settings -> Channels -> Help Center.

2. Click on Create Help Center in the top right or, if you're doing this from an existing Help Center in Gorgias, simply click on the Import icon:

3. You'll see the option to either import via CSV, or Import from another provider.
4. For example, if you're importing from Zendesk, you'll be prompted to provide your Zendesk API credentials, as well as your Email and Subdomain (if your Zendesk helpdesk link is https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/, then your subdomain is yoursubdomain). 

5. Once you click Connect, the migration will start.

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