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InvoicesUpdated 9 months ago

If you pay via Shopify, your invoice will be generated on your Shopify account - they'll send you a receipt/invoice - and Gorgias doesn't handle or send invoices directly to you. You can find Gorgias' usage on your Shopify monthly bill if you go from your Shopify admin to Finances -> Billing.

You'll receive a monthly invoice that includes the details of your subscription with every billing cycle to the billing email address that's under Settings -> Account -> Billing & usage -> Payment information -> Billing address, which you can change if you're an Admin.

The invoices are due upon receipt as our subscription service is designed to work as an auto-charge system - the payment for your subscription will be automatically charged for the upcoming billing cycle to your payment method regularly. 

This is done on a monthly or yearly basis, depending on the terms of your subscription. 

Invoice items

Your invoice numberA unique number generated by our payment processor assigned to every payment (for clients subscribed after August 2023, the invoice number will start with the first 12 characters of your Gorgias domain).
Date of IssueThe date on which your invoice was generated.
Due dateThe date on which your invoice should be paid to avoid interruptions to your service.
Gorgias’ informationAvailable in case you need it for accounting purposes - it also includes our contact email.
Your Billing informationThe payment information you entered in Settings -> Account -> Billing & usage -> Payment Information.
The Gorgias account owner’s informationUsually the same Billing information, but mainly related to the account owner's email that's under Settings -> Users & Teams -> Users.
Payment summaryThe total amount to pay and the due date in a one-sentence summary.
Your subscription breakdownWe’ll take a deeper look at this in the section below.

Subscription breakdown 

Your subscription breakdown will include all products you're subscribed to, as well as the billing cycle information for each of them and any overages generated during the cycle.

In our example, the account is subscribed to 4 different products:

  1. SMS - our SMS add-on subscription. In the image, the subscription includes 25 SMS tickets (the first 25 tickets are included in the first line), which means that the client is subscribed to SMS 01 - $20/mo - 25 SMS billable tickets per month. 
  2. Voice - our Voice add-on subscription. In the image, the subscription includes 25 Voice tickets (the first 25 tickets are included in the first line), which means that the client is subscribed to Voice 01 - $30/mo - 25 voice billable tickets per month.
  3. Automation - our Automation add-on subscription. In the image, the subscription includes 30 automated interactions (the first 30 automated interactions are included in the first line). Since the subscription includes 30 automated interactions, the client is subscribed to Automation 1 - $30/mo - 30 automated interactions.
  4. Helpdesk - this is your primary subscription and reflects the Gorgias plan you selected. In the image, the client is paying $60 for the helpdesk subscription, which means they're subscribed to the Basic/Monthly plan at $60/month and with 300 billable tickets included.

Usage cycle 

It’s also important to know what billable cycles are included on your invoice. Looking at our example one more time we can see there are two different cycles mentioned:

  • The first one (marked in red) is for the period July 7 - Aug 7
  • The second one (marked in blue) is for the period Aug 7 - Sept 7

You can see the previous and next cycle because, for the helpdesk, Automation, Voice, and SMS subscriptions, the flat fee is charged upfront and the overages are charged in arrears.

Usage and overages 

Your Voice, SMS, and Automation add-ons will show you the usage of the cycle that has just ended and overages (if applicable) in the invoice. 

The items under our add-ons are:

1. The usage counter for your subscription - this is where you’ll see how many tickets you’ve used within the allowance included in your plan. In our example, the customer has used 25 out of 25 tickets in the subscription.

2. The flat fee for the subscription - this is the flat fee that you pay for the add-on, no overages included.

3. “…and above” - this line will be added if you've exceeded your allowed usage on the billing cycle. 

If overages are generated, we start counting once you use all tickets included in your subscription. In the example, the customer selected a subscription that included 25 tickets, which means that, once they hit ticket 26 and above, we start charging overages. In our example, the client generated 13 overage tickets.

If you have any questions about your billing plan or an invoice you received, you can contact our Billing team at [email protected].
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