Languages Gorgias can detectUpdated 5 months ago
Gorgias can currently detect up to 54 languages in your support tickets (tickets won't automatically be translated into English).
You can use languages in View filters - for example, you can create a view to show Spanish tickets only - or in Rules - for instance, you can use it to assign Spanish tickets to a team or an agent who speaks Spanish.
Supported languages
- Afrikaans (AF)
- Albanian (SQ)
- Arabic (AR)
- Bulgarian (BG)
- Catalan (CA)
- Chinese (Simplified, PRC, code ZH-CN)
- Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan, code ZH-TW)
- Croatian (HR)
- Czech (CS)
- Danish (DA)
- Dutch (NL)
- English (EN)
- Estonian (ET)
- Finnish (FI)
- French (FR)
- German (DE)
- Greek (EL)
- Gujarati (GU)
- Hebrew (HE)
- Hindi (HI)
- Hungarian (HU)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Italian (IT)
- Japanese (JA)
- Kannada (KN)
- Korean (KO)
- Latvian (LV)
- Lithuanian (LT)
- Macedonian (MK)
- Malayalam (ML)
- Marathi (MR)
- Nepali (NE)
- Norwegian (NO)
- Punjabi (PA)
- Persian (FA)
- Polish (PL)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Romanian (RO)
- Russian (RU)
- Slovak (SK)
- Slovenian (SL)
- Somali (SO)
- Spanish (ES)
- Swahili (SW)
- Swedish (SV)
- Tagalog (TL)
- Tamil (TA)
- Telugu (TE)
- Turkish (TR)
- Ukrainian (UK)
- Urdu (UR)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Welsh (CY)
- Our language detection will only affect the message body, not the subject of the ticket.
- The proper language won't be detected if the message body is written in two different languages.
- The language can't be detected for a single word or extremely short messages.
- The Chat widget setup allows for fewer languages, as mentioned here, but the ones mentioned above can still be recognized elsewhere.