Other Email ProvidersUpdated a year ago
This guide will help you integrate an email address hosted by a different provider than Gmail, Outlook/Microsoft, Zoho, or GoDaddy.
If you have access to the email account you want to integrate and an Admin role in Gorgias, you can set up an Email integration with Gorgias from any provider that allows third-party forwarding.
There are 3 steps to do this:
- Setting up the Email integration in Gorgias.
- Setting up server-side forwarding with your provider.
- Verifying the forwarding loop.
Set up the Email integration in Gorgias
1. Navigate to Settings -> Channels -> Email.
2. Click on Connect Other Email Address.
3. Enter your Address name and Email address.
4. Click on Connect This Email Account.
5. Copy your default Gorgias email (it'll look like a long email with a bunch of numbers and letters).
Set up forwarding with the email provider
Most providers will have instructions for this in their own help center since it differs from provider to provider.
Use the default Gorgias email from the previous step as the forwarding recipient.
Verify the forwarding loop
1. Navigate to Settings -> Channels -> Email -> your new Email integration.
2. Click Verify Email Forwarding (it can take up to 30 seconds - refresh the page if needed).