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Rule Glossary: WHENUpdated 10 months ago

The first part of every Rule is a WHEN - an event that will define when the Rule will trigger within a ticket.

Ticket Created

The Rule is only triggered on a newly created ticket - so, once per ticket.

New Message In Ticket

The Rule will trigger (providing all other conditions are met) on every new message in a ticket, whether it is sent by a customer, agent, or another Rule. 

Of course, this trigger can be narrowed by later conditions - IF message from agent is false meaning it'll only trigger on customer messages, or IF ticket tags does not contain any of... meaning it'll only trigger on tickets that don’t contain specified Tags, etc.

Ticket Updated

The Rule will trigger every time a ticket is updated - anything done in it will trigger the Rule:

  • ticket created/deleted
  • opened/closed
  • assigned/unassigned
  • Tag added/removed
  • marked/unmarked as spam
  • message sent/received
  • ticket subject updated
  • customer updated
  • ticket snoozed
  • deleted/removed from Trash

The ticket update event doesn't work on intents and message body.

Ticket Assigned To User

The Rule will trigger only once a ticket is assigned to a user - it won't work if you assign a team. However, if you were to set up a Rule that'll automatically assign a team and you have auto-assignment set up in that team, it'll automatically assign a user, and your Rule will trigger.

Ticket Snooze Delay Ends

This event enables an action to be triggered with a delay. It's usually used in a set of 2 Rules - the first one will have some other event and the action to snooze the ticket for a certain time, while the second will start with this trigger and perform the action after the time frame that was specified in the first Rule. 

For example, if you would like to send a follow-up message on chat after there hasn’t been a response from the customer for some time, you can set the first Rule to snooze the ticket for 15 minutes after every agent message and then set the second Rule to send a follow-up message when those 15 minutes expire.

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