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Rule Glossary

Rule Glossary: WHEN

The first part of every Rule is a WHEN - an event that will define when the Rule will trigger within a ticket. The Rule is only triggered on a newly created ticket - so, once per ticket. The Rule will trigger (providing all other conditions are met)

Rule Glossary: IF, AND, OR, and ELSE

These are high-level conditions that are used to determine the relations between more granular conditions in the broader structure of a Rule. Technically, the Rule can be created with only a trigger and an action, but we use the IF statement to deter

Rule Glossary: Message

This is the part of the Rule that will be looking for a specific message within the ticket. Contains all of searches for multiple words within a ticket - if we input the word "test" and the word "example", we can later send a message saying "This is

Rule Glossary: Ticket

Ticket assignee user lets you filter out the current status of the assignment within the ticket. The is and is not options let you choose a user from your Gorgias account and apply the Rule, or prevent it from applying if it is assigned to that user.

Rule Glossary: Customer and Self Service

The Rule will only trigger if the customer's email is a specific one. This option will help you tag/assign/reply to any of your Order Management inquiries managed within your Automate settings. If you have this enabled for more than one store or more

Rule Glossary: E-commerce

This part of the Rule will only be looking at when an order was created - this condition can help you target Shopify customers who made their order more than 5 days ago (that have still not been fulfilled). Financial status gives you the option of tr

Rule Glossary: Actions

Actions are the final step of each Rule, the reason why the Rule was created in the first place - it determines what'll happen when conditions are met. This option can be used to send an email to a specific email address by typing it out or by using