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Automate Performance by feature reportUpdated 6 months ago

The Automate performance report by feature provides granular data on automated interactions of each Gorgias Automate feature (Flows, Quick Responses, Article Recommendation, and Report Issue) - it also gives you a list of products that combined have the most issues reported and returns requested.

It can help you define your automated options and product strategy for optimal impact in improving customer experience and minimizing the strain on your team.

Parallel to this report, you can get more high-level data in one of the sections of the Automate Overview report.

Each of these sections shows columns that provide actionable insights: 

  • What Quick Response isn't clear enough based on the automation rate
  • Which Flows need to be remodeled based on the highest drop-off rate
  • What article needs to provide clearer information based on the automation rate
  • What are the most frequent issues with your products
  • What products might need improvement or a different marketing strategy

Performance per feature

The performance of each Gorgias Automate feature is displayed in a separate section.


Automation rate

The percentage of interactions resolved by a Flow divided by the total number of times a user has started a Flow.

Select Analyze Flow to take a look at your Flow's drop-off performance in more detail, and identify opportunity to increase automated interactions.

Automated by Flow 

The number of times the customer reaches the end of a Flow - in this case even if the customer leaves the Flow and doesn't click that the response was helpful, it'll be considered as a successfully automated Flow.

Served by Agent after Flow

The number of times the customer reaches the end of a Flow with the ticket being created, no matter if the customer indicated the response was not helpful or the Flow is designed to end by creating a ticket directly (without asking if it was helpful).

Drop Off

The number of times a customer has started a Flow but hasn’t reached the end - if the customer reaches the end of the Flow and doesn't respond to whether the response was helpful, it won't be considered a drop-off.

Quick Responses

Automation rate

The percentage of interactions resolved by Quick Responses divided by the total number of times a user views the Quick Response.

Automated by Quick Response Flow

The number of times a customer indicated a response was helpful or dropped off without answering whether the response was helpful.

Served by an agent after Quick Response

The number of tickets created after a Quick Response has been clicked on - this will happen if a customer isn't satisfied with the response provided or if no response is configured for a Quick Response.

Article Recommendation

Automation rate

The percentage of interactions resolved by Article Recommendation divided by the total number of times a user gets the Article Recommendation.

Automated by Article rec

The number of interactions resolved by Article recommendation divided by the total number of times a user is recommended an article.

Served by an Agent after Article rec

The number of tickets created after an article has been recommended - this will happen If a customer isn't satisfied and asks for more help.

Top order issues reported

% of issues reported

The percent of issues reported out of all order issues reported through Gorgias Automate.

Tickets Created

The number of tickets created after an issue was reported through Gorgias Automate. If a shopper gets a response from Order Management set up and doesn't need more help, a ticket won't be created.


The volume difference between the selected date period and the same period before that (if the stats are filtered for the last 7 days, the delta will be the volume of that period vs the 7 days before that).

Products with the most issues and return requests

Total Issues reported

The number of issues reported through Order Management feature; this doesn't include return requests.

Issues reported

Options most frequently used through the Report Issue feature, including the number of times they're used. 

Return requests

The number of returns requested that have created a ticket (if Loop Returns is integrated with Gorgias Automate, those requests won't be included in this column).


  • This report doesn’t include Track Order and Autoresponder interactions.
  • Numbers in this report won't match the Automate Overview report because Performance by feature is still using legacy data infrastructure and there is no 72-hour holdup.
  • The interactions are not de-duplicated, as they are in Automate Overview - if the customer goes through the same Flow more than once within 72 hours, each interaction will be registered in this report, but not in Automate Overview.
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