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Quick Replies (Retired Feature)Updated 4 months ago

Attention: Quick Replies is a retired feature. It is currently only available to brands who joined Gorgias prior to November 17, 2023. Instead, we recommend that you use Flows to create flexible, multi-channel FAQs with more in-depth stats.

If your customers are asking similar questions over and over again, you can configure Chat Quick Replies to be shown when your Chat is online.

Your customers will see Quick Replies:

  • When they start their first Chat conversation with you
  • If they already chatted with your company and they open the Chat again more than 24 hours after the last message

When a customer starts a Chat, they'll see the Quick Reply buttons (up to 3, with a limit of 20 characters each) and can click on them to initiate a conversation, which will create a new ticket in Gorgias.

Quick Replies reset when a visitor:

  • Opens a new ticket (3 days after the last one was closed)
  • Clears their browser cache and cookies
  • Chats via an Incognito window
If you've enabled Article recommendations, the Quick Replies won't be shown.


1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Chat -> your Chat integration -> Quick replies.

2. Set up the text of the Quick Replies and enable them via the toggle.

Quick reply Rules

Once you have your Quick Replies set up, you need to go to Settings -> Productivity -> Rules to create Rules to send a response to your customers, tag the ticket, assign it to a particular agent or team, etc.

The text of the Quick Reply in Chat must exactly match the text in the message body IS condition in the Rule.

We don't recommend setting up Quick Replies that respond with tracking information to your customers because you'd expose the shipping address of the customer to anyone who has their email address. 



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