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Rule Glossary: ActionsUpdated 10 months ago

Actions are the final step of each Rule, the reason why the Rule was created in the first place - it determines what'll happen when conditions are met.

Send email

This option can be used to send an email to a specific email address by typing it out or by using variables - it's useful if you want to email a customer on a non-email ticket. The email sent out won't be visible in the thread, but whether the Rule has been triggered will still be displayed in ticket events. 

You can add one of your email addresses in CC or BCC if you need confirmation that the email has been sent out. The email will always be sent out from the default Gorgias email address (the long email address that is used for email forwarding).

This Action will automatically make your ticket billable, so it won't trigger on spam tickets, to prevent any unwanted overages.

Reply to customer

When this Action is used, the reply will be sent via the same channel the message has been received. That means that this Action applies to Email, Chat, and social media tickets, but it won't work on Voice tickets. 

This Action will automatically make your ticket billable, so it won't trigger on spam tickets, to prevent any unwanted overages.

If the reply is sent via email, it won't automatically add the signature set for that Email integration. Also, although it's possible, we don't recommend setting up auto-replies for social media tickets as those platforms may detect and flag such replies as spam.

Add internal note

This Action will automatically create an internal note in the ticket with the specified text. This is useful if you want to leave a note on a certain new or complicated procedure for tickets that you specify. 

For example, if the ticket's tagged as VIP and RETURN, add an internal note on what agents need to do in those cases. 

This condition won't work on Gorgias user mentions.

Apply macro

If the Macro contains text, this Action sends a pre-set message using the same channel as the message that's been received. However, the message isn't set within the Rule itself, but in the Macros section. If the reply is sent via email, it won't automatically add the signature set for that Email integration.

It's useful to apply Macros as they can automatically tag tickets, send attachments (up to 10 MB), set assignees, or change the status of the ticket. However, if a Macro contains an HTTP action, you won't be able to use it as a part of the Rule to prevent unwanted actions.

This Action will automatically make your ticket billable, so it won't trigger on spam tickets, to prevent any unwanted overages.

Add tags

This Action adds Tags that you specify if all the Rule conditions are met. You can add as many Tags as you’d like in the same line, choose one of the existing ones, or automatically create a new one by typing it out. 

Tags are case-sensitive, so auto-reply and Auto-Reply will be viewed as two different Tags. Even when the Rule is used to auto-close tickets, we always recommend tagging them, so you can track them down easily if needed.

Remove tags

This Action will remove Tags that you specify if all the Rule conditions are met. Tags are case-sensitive, so auto-reply and Auto-Reply will be viewed as two different Tags. You can list as many Tags as you’d like in the same line, choose one of the existing ones, or automatically create a new one by typing it out. 

This is useful for tracking tickets where the customer has sent multiple emails before getting a response. You can add a Tag when the customer reaches out, add another Tag if they send a message again while the ticket contains the first one, and then remove these two Tags when the agent replies (so the flow can work as intended in the future as well).

Reset tags

When used, this Action will remove any Tags that already exist on a ticket and replace them with the ones that you set in the Rule. You can list as many Tags as you’d like in the same line, choose one of the existing ones, or automatically create a new one by typing it out - just keep in mind that Tags are case-sensitive, so auto-reply and Auto-Reply will be viewed as two different Tags.

Set subject

This Action will automatically change the ticket subject if all conditions in the Rule are met.

Set status

By using this Action, you're either closing the ticket or opening it. You can use them when you want to auto-close certain types of tickets (out-of-office, order confirmation, etc). 

We always recommend using Add Tags with this Action as well, so you can easily pull up auto-closed tickets if needed, or exclude them from your stats.

Set ticket field

This Action can automate filling up Ticket Fields that can be easily determined by a trait like message sender, ticket subject, etc.

Snooze for

If you want to delay a Rule Action, you'd most likely need to create two Rules - the first one that would snooze the ticket for a certain time, and then the second one that would trigger on WHEN ticket snooze delay ends

This Action is also useful if you want to avoid sending satisfaction surveys to a certain type of Email/Chat tickets (for example, email correspondence that you have with suppliers).

Since the survey will be sent only if the last agent response is less than a week ago, you can create a Rule that would automatically snooze the ticket for 8 days after every agent response, and then another Rule can be set up that would automatically close those tickets when they're unsnoozed.

Assign agent

This Action will automatically assign a ticket to the specified agent if all the conditions are met - it should only be used if you have one agent specialized in certain tickets (like social media). It can't be used interchangeably for multiple agents - you should use the Assign Team for that.

Assign team

If you want to use our auto-assignment feature, you first need to create teams, and then create Rules that would assign certain tickets to those teams. When the Rule triggers, the ticket gets assigned to a specified team, and then the auto-assignment feature assigns it to an agent from that team, based on the round-robin system. 

If you have a Rule like this enabled, but don’t have the auto-assignment option turned on, the ticket will just stay assigned to a team.

Delete ticket

This Action will automatically delete tickets that meet all conditions specified in the Rule. 

We advise auto-closing tickets by using Set Status instead of this option as, if the Rule fires on the wrong kind of ticket, the deleted tickets won't be retrievable.

Using auto-close instead of deleting the ticket doesn't mean that we'll charge for those tickets - as long as the ticket hasn’t been responded to either by an agent or a Rule, it won't count towards your monthly/yearly ticket number.

Hide Facebook comment

You can automatically hide a comment that contains certain keywords or emojis on Facebook, but we don't recommend using this Action on a wide range of comments as they can be registered as spammy by Facebook and they can deactivate your account.

Like Facebook comment

It can be used to automatically Like a comment with specific keywords or emoticons. If you only like a Facebook comment and don't reply to it, the ticket won't be considered billable.

We don't recommend using this Action on a wide range of comments as they can be registered as spammy by Facebook and they can deactivate your account.

Exclude ticket from Auto-Merge

If you want to use our Tickets auto-merge option, but don't want it to be applied on all tickets, you can use this option. This is useful to exclude tickets such as order confirmations or other similar emails that come from a generic email address.

Exclude ticket from CSAT

You can exclude tickets from receiving CSAT survey through this option. It's advisable to be used only on tickets that were exchanged with your collaborators, such as affiliates, influencers, etc. 

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