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Rule Glossary: Customer and Self ServiceUpdated 10 months ago


Customer Data

This condition has been decommissioned temporarily while our developers are working on improving it.

Customer Email

The Rule will only trigger if the customer's email is a specific one.

Customer Other Integrations

This condition has also been decommissioned temporarily while our developers are working on it.

Self Service

The following options are available to Automate subscribers.

Order Management Flow

This option will help you tag/assign/reply to any of your Order Management inquiries managed within your Automate settings. 

If you have this enabled for more than one store or more than one channel, we advise adding the message integration condition as well to target appropriate tickets.

Quick Response Flow

You don’t need to use this condition to create an auto-reply to the initial question - that can be done directly under Quick Response settings

If the customer is satisfied with the answer provided by the Quick Response, no ticket will be created. However, if they ask for more help after that, a ticket will be created and you can use it as a condition to take further action (tag, assign, send an auto-reply). 

If you have Quick Responses with the same name enabled for more than one store or on different channels, we would advise adding the message integration condition as well to target appropriate tickets.

Self-Service Store

This condition detects tickets created via Order Management in the Help Center connected to your store, so you can tag them and adequately prioritize them. 

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