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Set up Voicemail and Greeting messageUpdated a year ago


1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Voice -> your Voice integration -> Voicemail.

2. Select voicemail type between voice recording, text-to-speech, or none - selecting None will disable the Voicemail.

3. Choose if you want the same voicemail message to be played during and outside of business hours.

4. Tick the Allow caller to leave voicemail checkbox.

  • If not selected, callers will hear the recording/message (if applicable) but won't be able to leave a message. 
  • If selected, callers will hear the recording/message (if applicable) and be able to leave a voicemail.
Voicemails left via this method create tickets in your account.

Greeting message

1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Voice -> your Voice integration -> Greeting message.

2. Select your message type between voice recording, text-to-speech, or none - selecting None will disable the greeting message.

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