Train your Article RecommendationsUpdated 8 months ago
Train is a page in the Automate tab where you can review all the articles sent with the Article Recommendation feature in Chat.
With this feature, you will have more visibility into how your customers interact with your Help-Center articles, helping you create, split, update, or correct them. By training the AI algorithm that recommends articles, you'll improve its accuracy and ability to resolve customer inquiries without any agent work.
On the page, you see a list of past Article Recommendation interactions in Chat, including the customer’s original question and the article that was recommended.
For each interaction, you can either:
- Keep Recommendation - which trains the AI to continue serving the article to similar questions in the future.
- Improve Recommendation - which prompts you to select a different article, training the AI to serve that article for similar questions in the future.
You can benefit from this feature if you create a Help Center and enable the Article Recommendation feature.
- Train My AI doesn't include article recommendations sent via email with the Autoresponder.
- You can't see Chat messages that failed to trigger an article recommendation.
- You can't see any labeling stats (like each agent’s labels/week).
1. Go to Automate -> your Shopify store -> Article recommendations
2. Select the Train tab to review articles recommended in customer messages
3. You'll see the list of articles recommended with Article recommendations in Chat.4. In the list of messages, you can see the customer’s question, the article recommended, customer feedback given in the Chat, and a preview of the recommended article:
5. In each interaction, you can select to improve the recommendation or keep it.
If you select Keep Recommendation you will be moved to the next interaction in the list.
If you select Improve Recommendation, you will have the option to select the category and the article from the drop-down menu and then click on the Select Article button to improve it.
6. Once you review the recommendation, the progress bar will change and you'll be moved to evaluate the next article recommendation. When you complete all the reviews, the progress bar will be full and all article recommendations that were reviewed will have a checkmark.