View sharing and reorderingUpdated 9 months ago
Views can be shared with or hidden from other users on the account, as well as reordered to organize your workspace.
Views have different visibility settings:
- Public Views are shared with all agents.
- Shared Views are shared with specific agents or teams only.
- Private Views are only accessible to a single agent.
To change the visibility settings of a View, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the View in the sidebar.
2. Click on the arrow next to the name at the top of the screen.
3. In the top right of the screen, click on Sharing.
4. Switch the View to Public (shared with everyone), Shared (shared with specific teams/users), or Private (visible only to you).
You can simply reorganize the list of Views by dragging and dropping them - a slight blue line will appear to display the target location of where the View will be dropped.
Private Views can't be dragged into the Shared View area, and vice versa, but they can both be shuffled around within their respective categories.