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KlaviyoUpdated 10 days ago

This integration was built by our partners and the wait time in case of any technical issues might be a bit longer than for a regular support request.

Klaviyo is a marketing platform for creating, managing, and measuring every customer interaction your business generates. The integration allows you to segment customers and send targeted outbound SMS messaging campaigns based on Gorgias events, as well as include Gorgias events in your Klaviyo analytics dashboards.

You can add customers to segments with a dynamic segment in Klaviyo for customers who opened a ticket in Gorgias.

When an event is synced from Gorgias, this updates the customer's profile in Klaviyo. If no profile exists, one is created, but not subscribed.

When your customers send SMS messages to your Klaviyo phone number, an associated ticket is opened in Gorgias every time. Each subsequent message is then added to the Gorgias ticket thread, and any reply from an agent will send an SMS back to the customer.

The integration syncs ticket information from Gorgias to Klaviyo, including the creation event data and when new messages are sent or received. The integration also syncs data from Klaviyo to Gorgias about SMS messages associated with the Gorgias ticket.

These events will sync with Klaviyo events:

  • Opened ticket
  • Resolved ticket
  • Satisfaction survey responded

Using these events, you can target campaigns based on customer support interactions like:

  • Promoting sales or new products to customers who had positive support experiences to drive upsell and revenue generation from support, by targeting customers who gave you a 5-star satisfaction rating, or by sending a campaign to customers who inquired about a product but haven't purchased within 5 days.
  • Excluding customers with open support tickets from promotional messaging campaigns.
  • Sending target coupons or discounts to win back customers who reported poor support experiences.
More use cases can be found in our Facebook Community as well.


1. You can find the Klaviyo integration here, or by navigating to the Integrations tab, searching for Gorgias on the All Integrations tab, and clicking Add Integration.

2. Click Integrate with Gorgias on the Klaviyo-Gorgias integration splash page to enable the integration. SMS must be set up before you can sync SMS conversations from Gorgias.
Initial page of Gorgias integration in Klaviyo, with blue button at the bottom to begin integration
3. Enter your helpdesk URL into the Gorgias Helpdesk URL field, then click Connect to Gorgias - this will open a new browser tab.

Screen to enter Gorgias helpdesk URL, with Sync SMS Conversations option toggled under URL
4. In the new browser tab, enter your Gorgias login credentials (username and password), then click Login.
Screen to enter Gorgias account email and password, with a green login button at the bottom of the screen
5. Select All resources from the dropdown, then click Authorize.
Dropdown to choose Gorgias resources to sync back to Klaviyo, with All resources selected, and button to authorize sync at the bottom of the page
6. The Confirm Klaviyo for Gorgias modal will then pop up, showing your Klaviyo account name and ID. Verify these values, then click Confirm.
Confirm Klaviyo for Gorgias modal, showing Klaviyo account name and ID, with button to confirm in the lower right corner of popup
7. Your Klaviyo integrations page will refresh, bringing you to the final page of the integration setup - click Connect to Gorgias to finish the Gorgias Klaviyo integration.
Final page of Gorgias integration with Klaviyo, with Connect to Gorgias button in the bottom right hand corner
8. If the integration connection is successful, you'll see a modal confirming your Gorgias account is now connected to Klaviyo.
Gorgias integration confirmation screen, with button to go back to Klaviyo at the bottom of the popup

9. Click Go Back to Klaviyo.

10. Now, in the Gorgias integration settings within Klaviyo, you’ll be able to see the following:

  • Gorgias Helpdesk URL
  • External ID: this is set in and synced from Gorgias, and is used by support
  • Sync SMS conversations = True
Gorgias integration management page, showing the Gorgias helpdesk URL and external ID, along with the option to disable the integration at the top of the page
Check Klaviyo's documentation to find out more about how to integrate with Gorgias from their end and how Klaviyo SMS works in general.


How do I know if I am using the old Klaviyo integration?

If you installed your Klaviyo integration from within your Klaviyo settings, rather than from within Gorgias, then you are using the new Klaviyo integration.

If you installed your Klaviyo integration via Gorgias's integrations page, then you are currently using the old integration.

If you can't remember, visit your Gorgias integrations settings page and look for a widget titled Klaviyo - DEPRECATED.

What are the differences between the new integration and the old integration?

The differences between the two integrations are as follows:

  • The new integration allows you to send and receive Klaviyo SMS messages from within the helpdesk from US and Canada-based recipients.
  • The new integration lives inside Klaviyo, rather than in Gorgias.
  • The new integration still syncs new customers and the following events: Ticket opened, Ticket resolved, Satisfaction survey responded.
  • Ticket attributes such as ticket ID, tags, CSAT score, etc, are included with the new integration as well.
  • The new integration doesn't sync the Satisfaction survey sent event.
  • The new integration doesn't automatically add Gorgias customers to a list in Klaviyo. A workaround is to have a segment/list for all customers who have the Opened ticket event in Klaviyo. You would need to make a segment for this use case. It is not possible to subscribe new customers from Gorgias.
  • The new integration can't send or receive SMS messages from non-US and Canada-based recipients.

If I have the old Klaviyo integration in Gorgias still active, what should I do?

We strongly encourage you to delete it and connect the new integration, since the old one has not been supported since March 15, 2022.

I seem to be missing some of my Klaviyo tickets in Gorgias, why is that?

Tickets are created only for SMS conversations with customers who have a profile consented. The best practice is to toggle only non-consented profiles for auto-responders on your Klaviyo dashboard because that way you can use two-way messaging. It is also recommended that you phrase the auto-response in a manner that will let your customers know that the communication can be continued via SMS only if they subscribe.

I need to integrate multiple Klaviyo accounts.

If you connect more than one Klaivyo account with Gorgias, for example, if you use one Gorgias account to manage multiple regional sites (and multiple Klaviyo accounts), all Gorgias activity will sync to the Klaviyo account where you set up the integration.
If you are tagging tickets per brand, then your customers might be added to separate segments in Klaviyo.

How does this integration work for Australia?

Australian merchants can utilize 2-way SMS through the Gorgias-Klaviyo integration. This means that customer responses to Klaviyo SMS campaigns will appear as tickets in Gorgias from where you can respond again.

Can Klaviyo SMS messages be forwarded via email?

This is not yet supported, if you forward Klaviyo SMS messages to an external email address, the SMS will also be sent to the end customer.


  • If you're using an auto-reply Rule, those messages won't reach Klaviyo customers. Messages sent using Gorgias Rules aren't sent to Klaviyo or the end customer.
  • There's no historical sync for the Klaviyo integration - SMS conversations won’t appear in Gorgias if a subscriber texted you before you set up this integration, but all further messages will sync. If a subscriber texts you once before you enable the integration and once after, the message that comes in after you set up the integration will show in Gorgias, but the one sent before won't.
  • The SMS component of the integration only works when recipients are in the US, Canada, or Australia as alphanumeric sender IDs cannot receive text messages.

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