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Configure Return Flow (new Loop Returns integration)Updated a year ago

The Return Order option allows customers to submit a request to return an order or specific items from it - the order information is pulled directly from Shopify.


1. Go to Automate -> your store -> Order Management.

2. Enable or disable the option using the toggle

3. Click Return order.

4. Set your eligibility conditions - these are conditions an order must meet for the return button to be displayed, based on an order being either delivered or created within a prescribed number of days.

5. Customize the automatic reply.

6. Select the desired Create new Loop Returns integration as the return method - you'll be prompted to enter your Loop returns API key.

7. To find your Loop Returns API key, navigate to developer settings in Loop and click Generate API key to generate a new key.

8. Enable the following scopes for your new key: Cart, Order, Return, Report.

9. Click Generate then copy and paste the key into the field in Gorgias.

10. Click Save changes.

You can preview the customer experience by clicking on the preview on the right-hand side. To view the preview in a different channel select the desired channel from the dropdown.

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