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Return Flow

Configure Return Flow (Automatic response)

The Return Order option allows customers to submit a request to return an order or specific items from it - the order information is pulled directly from Shopify. 1. Go to Automate -> your store -> Order Management. 2. Enable or disable the option us

Configure Return Flow (new Loop Returns integration)

The Return Order option allows customers to submit a request to return an order or specific items from it - the order information is pulled directly from Shopify. 1. Go to Automate -> your store -> Order Management. 2. Enable or disable the option us

Configure Return Flow (existing Loop Returns integration)

The Return Order option allows customers to submit a request to return an order or specific items from it - the order information is pulled directly from Shopify. 1. Go to Automate -> your store -> Order Management. 2. Enable or disable the option us

Return Flow with Loop Returns

You can connect your Loop Returns integration with the Return Order option in Order Management. When your shoppers are using the Return an order option in your Chat, Help Center, or Contact Form and you have Loop Returns connected to the Flow, they'l