Set up Voice for a new Gorgias numberUpdated 7 months ago
1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Voice.
2. Click on Add Voice in the top right corner.
3. Enter an Integration title and select Create phone number from the Phone number drop-down menu.
4. Enter a Title.
5. Select United States under Country.
6. Select Toll-free or Local under Type.
7. Select a State and Area code.
8. Click on Create Phone Number and you'll be taken back to the setup page.
9. Select Standard number under Function.
10. Under Preferences, select whether you'd like to send your customers to voicemail outside business hours.11. Under Voicemail, you can choose a voice recording, text-to-speech, or none and choose whether you'd like to allow voicemail at all.
Australia (local)
1. Go to Settings -> Channels -> Voice.
2. Click on Add Voice in the top right corner.
3. Enter an Integration title and select Create phone number from the Phone number drop-down menu.
4. Enter a Title.
5. Select Australia under Country.
6. Select Toll-free or Local under Type.
7. Select a State and Area code.
8. Click on Next.
To meet Australian phone requirements you'll be required to enter additional information - this includes providing a name and address for this phone number. This can be personal or business information and is used for verification purposes.
9. Select Business information or Personal information.
The address validation system used in this step is very particular. To pass validation, your address must be matched to an existing listing in an Australian database. This requires the address format to match exactly. You can check your address and see the correct format with tools like Postgrid.
Here's an example of the same address in different formats:
- ❌ 1/23 Faux St, Sydney NSW [cannot be validated, format does not match records]
- ✅ U 1 23 Faux St, Sydney NSW [can be validated, format matches records]
10. Click on Create Phone Number and you'll be taken back to the setup page.
11. Select Standard number under Function.
12. Under Preferences, select whether you'd like to send your customers to voicemail outside business hours.13. Under Voicemail, you can choose a voice recording, text-to-speech, or none and choose whether you'd like to allow voicemail at all.
Australia (mobile)
Australian mobile numbers are subject to regulatory requirements and can't be created through your account - you'll need to submit a request to our Support team and provide the required information.
From here, an Australian mobile number will be acquired for you, which can take 1-2 weeks if the documentation is accepted.
Once your request has been received, you'll be sent a confirmation email.
United Kingdom, France, Germany, New Zealand
UK, French, German, and New Zealand phone numbers can't be created through your account because they're subject to the regulatory requirements of each country, so you'll need to submit a request to our Support team and provide the required information.
From here, a phone number will be acquired on your behalf which can take around 7-10 days if the documentation is accepted.
Once your request has been received, you'll be sent a confirmation email.