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Domain verification FAQsUpdated 10 months ago

Due to Gmail and Yahoo policies, any merchant that didn't verify their email domain and has a lot of email traffic will experience difficulties with sending emails to their customers who have Gmail and Yahoo email addresses. 

If you need help with troubleshooting, check out our articles for Sendgrid and Mailgun.

When I click on the banner, it takes me to my email page. What should I do?

First, you need to add your SPF and DKIM in Gorgias. Since we use two service providers, instructions will differ based on the provider. Here is how you'll know which instructions to follow.

Go to Settings -> Channels -> Email -> the email address that you want to verify

  • If you see a tab called Outbound Verification and you have a total of 3 values - your account is hosted on Sendgrid. Please follow these instructions.
  • If you see a tab called Domain Verification and you have a total of 2 values - your account is hosted on Mailgun. Please follow these instructions.

I clicked on Add Domain/Verify Domain, but my domain is still not verified.

By clicking on the Add Domain button, you're just creating records in Gorgias - you need to add them to your domain registrar to have them verified. 

You need to log in to the dashboard of your domain provider (for example, GoDaddy, Namecheap, Blue Host, HostGator, etc.). If you don't know who your domain provider is, please check with MxToolbox or the person or the company managing the technical side of your emails. 

Once you're logged in, copy the values from Gorgias. You can find instructions for some domain registrars here, but you can also check out the website for your domain provider.

I already verified my email in Klaviyo, Omnisend. Do I need to do it in Gorgias?

Yes - each 3rd-party app that you use has its own set of records that need to be added to your domain registrar. This gives the app permission to send emails without any issues. That's why you must verify the domain for each app that you use for sending emails.

I don't send more than 5,000 emails per day. Do I still need to verify the domain?

Yes - verifying the domain ensures that your emails are delivered to your customers without any difficulties. 

If you have a Gmail or Office365 integration, when you click on the Send button in Gorgias, the email is sent via Gmail/Outlook API. However, if the API fails, the email won't be sent.

If your domain is verified, Gorgias has permission to use its service providers as a fallback method and make sure that the email reaches your customers. If your domain isn't verified, you'll get the error "We could not send the email via Gmail/Outlook API". 

In that case, you'll need to try to send the email again after some time. Without domain verification, Gorgias doesn't have permission to do it for you in the backend.

I have my email verified through Single sender verification. Is that enough?

No - due to email policies, email needs to be verified on a domain level. Please follow these instructions for domain verification.

Why do Gmail and Office 365 need domain verification? They didn't need it before.

With stricter policies implemented by email providers, Gorgias needs domain verification to have permission to use our service providers as a backup method in sending emails.

When you click on the Send button in Gorgias, the email is sent via Gmail/Outlook API. However, if the API fails, the email won't be sent.

If your domain is verified, Gorgias has permission to use its service providers as a fallback method and make sure that the email reaches your customers. If your domain isn't verified, you'll get the error "We could not send the email via Gmail/Outlook API". 

In that case, you'll need to try to send the email again after some time. Without domain verification, Gorgias doesn't have permission to do it for you in the backend.

I have multiple email addresses. Do I need to verify all of them?

Email addresses are verified on the domain level. If you have multiple email addresses that have the same ending after the @ sign (for example, [email protected], [email protected]), then you need to verify only one of them and the others will be automatically verified. 

If your email addresses end differently (for example, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]), then you need to verify them separately.

Do I need to have a Sendgrid/Mailgun account?

No - your email domain will be verified through Gorgias after completing the appropriate instructions, so there's no need to create or pay for a Sendgrid or Mailgun account.

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