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TogetherUpdated 10 months ago

This integration was built by our partners and the wait time in case of any technical issues might be a bit longer than for a regular support request.

Together was created to help you reduce customer returns and increase customer retention - it uses the integration's API to create an HTTP integration, and widget API to create a ticket widget so that whenever a customer submits a ticket or sends a message, we can retrieve relevant order data and display it via the ticket widget to aid the customer.

It can be installed on Shopify stores and appear as a widget on selected product pages. The widget offers the option for customers to commit their items as a final sale (no returns).

  • Installing the app will add a widget to your product page.
  • Offer your customers a unique discount code on their next order if they agree to a final sale.
  • The product page widget educates your customers about the negative impact of returns and inspires them to agree to a final sale.
  • Final sales will be tagged in Shopify for easy customer service management.

When an order containing a final sale item is placed and fulfilled, the customer is automatically sent a discount code for a future order, with the limitations you set.

The app also offers:

  • Customizable discounts
  • Customizable eligibility of products
  • Automatic discount code creation and delivery
  • Analytics dashboard to see conversion rates


1. Log into Shopify and install the Together app from the Shopify app store.

2. To complete the installation of the app, include the following information via Together's  contact us form:

  • Shopify store domain: <your_store>.myshopify.com
  • Gorgias account domain: <your_account>.gorgias.com

Their support team will link your Shopify store to your Gorgias account and notify you once it's completed.

Ticket Widget View Mode (visible from within a ticket) won’t show without Together data.

Ticket Widget Edit Mode without the Together data (visible once the widget is edited via the cogwheel):

This is the ticket Widget Edit Mode with the Together data when the customer who submitted the ticket, used the same email address associated with their Shopify profile (including final sale orders):

Ticket Widget View Mode with Together data (visible once an order is placed on the merchant’s website and linked with the corresponding customer in Gorgias):

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